Uganda Birding Safaris Tour – Places for Wildlife Tours in Uganda

Uganda is a fantastic destination for bird watching enthusiasts, offering diverse habitats and a rich variety of bird species. The country is known for its stunning landscapes, national parks, and conservation areas, which provide excellent opportunities for birding safaris. When planning a Uganda birding safaris tour, it’s recommended to book with Eizoba Safaris Ltd a reputable Uganda tour operator specializing in bird watching.

They can assist in arranging accommodations, permits for certain areas, transportation, and provide expert bird guides to enhance your overall experience. Please note that the information provided here is based on general knowledge, and it’s advisable to check the latest updates and consult with local experts or tour operators for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding birding safaris in Uganda.

Iconic Uganda Birding Safaris Tour to Uganda National Parks

Where to Go for Uganda Birding Safaris Tour?

Uganda offers several destinations that are ideal for birding safaris. These are just a few of the many birding destinations in Uganda. Each location offers its own distinct habitats and bird species, providing ample opportunities for bird watching enthusiasts. It’s recommended to plan your itinerary based on your target bird species and the duration of your visit to Uganda. Working with a knowledgeable Eizoba Safaris Ltd a reputable Uganda tour operator specializing in birding can help you design a customized safari based on your interests and preferences.

Places for Birding Safaris Tour in Uganda

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Known primarily for its population of endangered mountain gorillas, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is also a fantastic birding destination. It is home to over 350 bird species, including 23 Albertine Rift endemics. Birders can spot species like the African Green Broadbill, Shelley’s Crimson wing, African Emerald Cuckoo, and many others.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Located in western Uganda, Queen Elizabeth National Park is a diverse and scenic area that provides excellent birding opportunities. The park is known for its wetland habitats, including the famous Kazinga Channel, where birdwatchers can find species like the African Skimmer, Shoebill Stork, African Fish Eagle, and many waterfowl species.

Murchison Falls National Park

Situated in northern Uganda, Murchison Falls National Park is the country’s largest national park and offers a wide range of bird species. Visitors can enjoy birding along the Nile River, in the savannah grasslands, and within the Budongo Forest Reserve, home to the impressive Puvel’s Illadopsis, White-crested Turaco, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, and more.

Kibale Forest National Park

Renowned for its chimpanzee tracking opportunities, Kibale Forest National Park is also a birding paradise. It is home to over 375 bird species, including the rare Green-breasted Pitta, African Pitta, African Grey Parrot, and many colorful forest-dwelling birds.

Semuliki National Park

Located in western Uganda, Semuliki National Park is known for its lowland tropical rainforest and unique bird species. Birders can search for specialties such as the Shoebill Stork, Nkulengu Rail, White-bellied Kingfisher, and various hornbills.

Lake Mburo National Park

Situated in the western part of the country, Lake Mburo National Park offers a more compact and easily accessible birding safaris tour experience in Uganda. The park is home to over 350 bird species, including the African Finfoot, Brown-chested Lapwing, Coqui Francolin, and the rare African Wattled Lapwing.