Rwanda Safaris Tour – Places for Rwanda Gorilla Trekking & Wildlife Tours

Rwanda is a beautiful country located in East Africa, known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills.” It offers a unique and diverse safari experience, with its stunning landscapes, rich biodiversity, and the opportunity to encounter rare and endangered wildlife, including the famous mountain gorillas. When planning a Rwanda safaris tour, it is advisable to book through Eizoba Safaris Ltd a reputable East Africa tour operator who can arrange transportation, permits for gorilla trekking, accommodations, and knowledgeable guides to ensure a safe and memorable experience.

Best-Selling Rwanda Gorilla Trekking & Wildlife Safaris Tour Holidays

Places for Rwanda Safaris Tour – Iconic Rwanda National Parks

Volcanoes National Park

This park is a must-visit destination in Rwanda. It is home to the endangered mountain gorillas, which attract visitors from all over the world. Trekking through the lush forests to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat is an unforgettable experience.

Akagera National Park

Located in the eastern part of Rwanda, Akagera National Park offers a more traditional savannah safari experience. The park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including elephants, giraffes, zebras, lions, and hippos. Visitors can enjoy game drives, boat safaris on Lake Ihema, and birdwatching in this diverse ecosystem.

Nyungwe Forest National Park

Nyungwe is a dense rainforest that is home to 13 different species of primates, including chimpanzees and the rare golden monkeys. Guided nature walks, chimpanzee tracking, and canopy walks are popular activities in this park. The canopy walkway offers a unique perspective from above the forest, allowing visitors to appreciate its beauty and observe birds and other wildlife.

Rwanda Safaris

Chimpanzee Tracking in Nyungwe Forest

Lake Kivu

Rwanda’s largest lake, Lake Kivu, offers a tranquil setting for relaxation and water-based activities. Visitors can enjoy boat trips, kayaking, swimming, and fishing in the crystal-clear waters. The lake is surrounded by picturesque landscapes and charming lakeside towns, providing a peaceful retreat after your safari adventures.

Cultural Experiences

Rwanda has a rich cultural heritage, and there are opportunities to engage with local communities and learn about their traditions and way of life. Visiting traditional villages, interacting with locals, and witnessing traditional dances and rituals can provide a deeper understanding of the country’s culture.

What to Do on Rwanda Safaris Tour?

On a Rwanda safaris tour, there are several activities and experiences you can enjoy. Remember to plan your activities in advance and book permits for activities like gorilla trekking and chimpanzee tracking, as they have limited availability. It’s also advisable toplan your holiday with Eizoba Safaris Ltd to make the most of your Rwanda safaris tour and ensure a safe and rewarding experience.

Rwanda Gorilla Trekking safaris tour

Rwanda Gorilla Trekking

Top Things to Do on Rwanda Safaris Tour

Gorilla Trekking

One of the main highlights of a Rwanda safaris tour is gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park. Accompanied by experienced guides, you will hike through the lush forests to track and observe the endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Spending time with these gentle giants is a truly remarkable and humbling experience.

Chimpanzee Tracking

Rwanda is also home to chimpanzees, and you can go on a chimpanzee tracking safaris tour excursion in Nyungwe Forest National Park. Trek through the forest, guided by experts, to find and observe these playful primates in their natural environment.

Game Drives

In Akagera National Park, you can embark on game drives to explore the savannah landscapes and encounter a wide variety of wildlife. Look out for elephants, giraffes, buffalos, zebras, antelopes, lions, and other animals. Experienced guides will help you spot and learn about the animals’ behaviors and habitats.


Rwanda is a haven for bird enthusiasts, with over 700 bird species recorded. Nyungwe Forest National Park and Akagera National Park are particularly known for their rich birdlife. Guided birdwatching walks or boat safaris can offer fantastic opportunities to spot colorful and rare bird species.

Rwanda Birding Safaris Tour

Birding Safaris Tour

Canopy Walk

Experience the thrill of walking above the forest canopy in Nyungwe Forest National Park. The canopy walkway is suspended high above the ground and provides breathtaking views of the forest, as well as opportunities to observe birds and other wildlife from a unique perspective.

Cultural Encounters

Rwanda has a vibrant cultural heritage, and you can immerse yourself in local traditions and customs by visiting traditional villages and interacting with local communities. Witness traditional dances, participate in craft-making workshops, and learn about the history and traditions of the Rwandan people.

Relaxation at Lake Kivu

After your safaris tour adventures to Rwanda, unwind and relax at Lake Kivu. Enjoy boat trips, swimming, kayaking, or simply take in the scenic beauty of the lake. You can also visit lakeside towns and explore the local markets to experience the local way of life.