Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo National Park is a scenic and compact national park located in western Uganda. It is the smallest national park in the country but offers a diverse range of habitats and wildlife.

Lake Mburo National Park is an ideal destination for those seeking a more intimate wildlife experience and outdoor activities. Its proximity to Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, makes it easily accessible and a popular weekend getaway for locals and tourists alike.

Lake Mburo National Park

What to Do in Lake Mburo National Park?


Lake Mburo National Park is home to a variety of wildlife, including several mammal species. Visitors can spot zebras, impalas, topis, elands, buffaloes, warthogs, and waterbucks grazing on the savannah plains. The park also hosts various primates such as vervet monkeys and olive baboons. Additionally, there are over 300 bird species, making it a great spot for birdwatching.

Lake Mburo

The park derives its name from Lake Mburo, a tranquil lake that forms the centerpiece of the park. The lake is surrounded by papyrus swamps and attracts hippos, crocodiles, and a variety of water birds such as African fish eagles, kingfishers, herons, and cormorants. Boat trips on the lake provide excellent opportunities for wildlife and bird watching.

Acacia Woodlands

The park is characterized by extensive acacia woodlands, which provide habitat for a diverse range of animal and plant species. Game drives and guided walks through the woodlands offer opportunities to see wildlife, including the park’s large herds of zebras and impalas.

Horseback Safaris

Lake Mburo National Park is one of the few parks in Uganda that offers horseback safaris. This unique way of exploring the park allows visitors to cover more ground and get closer to the wildlife in a different perspective.

Biking and Nature Walks

The park has well-maintained trails that are suitable for biking and guided nature walks. These activities provide an opportunity to explore the park’s beautiful landscapes, encounter wildlife, and learn about the smaller flora and fauna.

Conservation Initiatives

Lake Mburo Park is part of a larger conservation area that includes five lakes. Efforts are being made to protect the park’s ecosystems, including community-based conservation programs that involve local communities in sustainable tourism and wildlife conservation.